CareLight Wellness Centre – Share A Pot Volunteer Training Session – 24 April 2019

CareLight Wellness Centre – Share A Pot Volunteer Training Session – 24 April 2019

‘Share a Pot’ Programme is an initiative of KTPH, to bring about active and healthy living amongst our senior citizens.
The programme involves light exercise for our senior citizens, followed by a nutritious soup. It has been found that drinking these nutritious soups after a light exercise has many health benefits.

There was an overwhelming response from our team of volunteers for the first training session. We really appreciate their volunteering spirit!

Mr Subash, the caretaker of our wellness centre, and Ms. Shi Hui, training staff from KTPH, addressed the volunteers. Ms. Shi Hui explained the significance of the program, registration procedure, baseline assessments, variety of soups and their health benefits, food hygiene and the safety measures through a video presentation. She also demonstrated the baseline assessments at 5 stations, where all our volunteers actively participated to understand it better.

Our volunteers had an interactive session with the trainer by asking questions and clarifying any doubts. The session ended with some hot samosas sponsored by a benevolent neighbour – we are building rapport with the community even before launching our wellness centre!


The First ‘Share a pot’ program will take place on 8th May.

The second training session is on 2nd May, 9.30am.
All volunteers must have attended the training session.
If you wish to join the training session, please get in touch! Hope to see you all soon